September 13, 2022
To all my valued clients,
2022 has come with many price increases that we have all felt. I have worked hard to not increase my rates and add additional burden to strained budgets. However, with no end in sight to current inflation across the globe, I too have had to make price adjustments to reflect the changing economy. This is not an easy decision and I have struggled with it for months.
Most of you will notice price increases of 5% to 6%. In some cases, current students in a regular program at the farm in addition to being a blog subscriber may notice a price reduction. Others may have a significant price jump and for that I am truly sorry. I am working to bring pricing in line with current industry standards while accurately reflecting the inflation pressures on everyone’s budget. I have put together new services and packages to reflect the changing environment.
To help with my scheduling, I am now offering package deals. When you purchase a package for the month, you get priority access to scheduling. Multi lesson packages offer the best deals. I can give a price reduction on monthly packages because of your commitment to education. It is more productive for all of us (including your horse) when I work with you on a regular basis. If you are someone who just wants an occasional lesson, for eyes on the ground, that is ok. However, the price will reflect cost for that type of evaluation and instruction. My goal is putting together a program that helps horses and humans. To see that program to fruition, consistency is key.
There is a new cancellation policy. Your first cancellation is free. Additional cancellations are cost of the lesson value and the next lesson must be paid when booked. Cancellations are reset every 6 months. That gives you two free cancellations per year. If you cancel day of the lesson, you will not receive a refund regardless of the circumstances. Off farm services require a non-refundable deposit when booked. Off farm services require me to block out more time and limit my ability to reschedule.
Blog subscribers – In some cases your blog subscription will now be included in your lesson package. There will be new blog subscription options and new pricing options for those not in a lesson program. When I add the new plans, some plans may be affected. I will manually delete some subscriptions or send coupons to get those in lesson programs their free subscription. I will be resetting plans on October 1st. The new "Seasoned" planned is now available. The price on the Novice plan has been reduced to reflect the new rate effective immediately. The price on the Master plan will increase on 10/1/2022. There are new benefits with each of the plans. If you would like to change your plan, you can do that through your account on the website. Contact me for help if you need it! Current students, if your lesson program gets you free blog access, that will begin on October 1st.
The prices on the price sheet are CASH prices. If you are paying via credit card, please add $5 for each $100. That means even if it is $15 you must add $5. If your bill is $105, add $10. This was the easiest way to balance the fees without figuring each charge/transaction separately. Cash prices are valid for cash, check, or other fee free payment methods. PayPal is not fee free. Venmo is not fee free if you mark it as paying for goods and services.
The prices on the website will be updated by 10/1/22. Prices will go into effect as indicated on the price sheet.
My goal is to help you create a horse with functional posture, functional soundness, as well as being mentally fit for the activities we like to enjoy with our equine partners. I am committed to continuing my education to bring you the best information possible to accomplish these goals.
I am looking forward to growing with you and your horse!
Tarrin Warren
Equine Education Professional
TNT Quarter Horses, LLC