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Wisdom Wednesday

Somedays your horse isn't feeling their best. They aren't lame. Maybe just not their normal self. You have those days. On those days you tend to take it easy on yourself and maybe do less than you planned. When our horse has those days, we often feel the need to push them. We tend to get frustrated with them. We create tension and a battle. Maybe on those days we should do less, give them a break. Maybe just spend time grooming your horse. You can pick back up where you left of in a day or two.

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18 août 2023

I read this yesterday before I went out to ride. And sure enough Cole just wasn’t “feeling it”. Was I swayed by the blog? Perhaps. But he even took me to the gate during a break. So, we did one more walk, extended walk, walk. And called it a day. He then stood perfectly still while I braided his mane and hosed him off. Usually he is more animated during grooming. But today we may need to get more done. Maybe not.

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